I just love stumbleupon.com. Especially during class when I am at my wit's end...
If you haven't ever checked it out you should, it takes you to random sites on the internet that you may never have discovered otherwise. Here is what my hunt produced today:
I want to stay in this hotel room someday.
This building is beautiful.
I LOVE this clock. I want to make one of my own when I have my own place! Each little clock is set to the time it represents too...so cute!
This really needs to be added to my collection. It changes colors when you smoke it too!
This artwork is made entirely out of guitar picks...genius.
This is so handy!

I love these sculptures made out of everyday items...there were so many great ones.

These are microscopic carvings done on the graphite tips of pencils...the artist-Dalton Ghetti-who does these doesn't even use a magnifying glass...SO cool!
Now, don't you feel well versed?
XO, Ashley
If you haven't ever checked it out you should, it takes you to random sites on the internet that you may never have discovered otherwise. Here is what my hunt produced today:

Now, don't you feel well versed?
XO, Ashley
Love this. I hadn't ever heard of stumbleupon.com before! Thanks for informing me, because now I have a place to not only kill time but also find those darling crafts I dream of making.